With Glad Voices Music Resources

With Glad Voices Level One – Resource PDF Lesson Plans


With Glad Voices Level One Music Resource PDF

• Based on the Kodály Music Literacy Method
• Bible-centered for Christian Families and Schools


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This Downloadable, Printable, PDF is written toward a first-grade level, but will be enjoyed up to the fourth or fifth grade if the students have had little prior study in the rudiments of music.

The music concepts included are a necessary foundation for a music student of any age, and the activities can be changed by creative teachers to suit the age level in their multi-grade classrooms.  There is an 80 Song Collection in the back of the book which allows the teacher to adapt song choices in the lesson to the age level as well.  The lesson plans are detailed enough for an uncertain music teacher to be able to teach with confidence and gladness.

There are 24 lessons. Each lesson contains melodic and rhythmic activities, along with learning independence in singing, disciplined listening, and inner hearing.  Also included in the book are teaching ideas, reproducible worksheets, Rhythm Syllables Chart, musical games, echo-songs, and rhythmic chants.

Many of the materials suggested in the lessons are available in the kit with the Resource Book.

Major Concepts in Level One:
• to sing, inner hear, and create with intervals Do-Re-Mi.
• to sing, inner hear, create, and notate with the intervals Sol-Mi-La.
• to keep a steady beat while inner hearing, while singing, and while others sing.
• to clap rhythm while others clap beat, and to sustain a rhythmic ostinato.
• to assign the rhythm syllables Ta and Ta-di and Rest to the beat and the half-beat and silent beat.
• to notate rhythm patterns of four beats using quarter note, eighth note, and rest.
• to express and notate the accent beat.
• to move with the phrases of a song
• to express the form of a song and its mood.
• to learn that lines and spaces indicate pitch, with line notes and space notes.

With Glad Voices Teacher’s Resource PDF – Digital Download

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